Ella Purnell incarne Lucy, habitante de l’Abri 33, qu’elle devra quitter par la force des choses pour dĂ©couvrir ce qu’il reste du monde extĂ©rieur plus de 200 ans après une apocalypse nuclĂ©aire.
Prime Video Ella Purnell incarne Lucy, habitante de l’Abri 33, qu’elle devra quitter par la force des choses pour dĂ©couvrir ce qu’il reste du monde extĂ©rieur plus de 200 ans après une apocalypse nuclĂ©aire.

Prime Video

Ella Purnell incarne Lucy, habitante de l’Abri 33, qu’elle devra quitter par la force des choses pour dĂ©couvrir ce qu’il reste du monde extĂ©rieur plus de 200 ans après une apocalypse nuclĂ©aire.

SÉRIES TÉLÉ - Faire une sĂ©rie adaptĂ©e d’un jeu vidĂ©o se dĂ©roulant dans un monde post-apocalyptique, et passer après le succès de The Last of Us relevait du miracle. Pourtant, Fallout, la nouvelle sĂ©rie estampillĂ©e Amazon Prime Video ne rate pas le coche, bien au contraire.

Disponible dans son intĂ©gralitĂ© depuis le jeudi 11 avril, cette adaptation de la sĂ©rie de jeux vidĂ©o arrive Ă  tirer son Ă©pingle du jeu grâce Ă  un univers très Ă©loignĂ© du rĂ©alisme qui a rĂ©cemment fait le succès de The Last of Us, devenu en très peu de temps le mètre Ă©talon du genre sur petit Ă©cran.

Car avant Pedro Pascal et ses champignons parasites, ou Henry Cavill et ses cheveux peroxydĂ©s dans The Witcher, le passage de la manette au petit Ă©cran se faisait plutĂ´t rare. La sĂ©rie Fallout profite donc allĂ©grement de ce crĂ©neau encore sous-exploitĂ© pour s’engouffrer dans la brèche et proposer une sĂ©rie resserrĂ©e en huit Ă©pisodes qui parlera autant aux amateurs de la licence signĂ©e Bethesda qu’aux parfaits nĂ©ophytes. Ă€ condition d’accepter un ton lĂ©gèrement moins sĂ©rieux que The Last of Us ou autre The Walking Dead et The 100.

La substantifique moelle de Fallout

Mais qui dit moins sĂ©rieux, ne veut pas dire moins grave ou moins violent. Car le monde dĂ©peint dans ce jeu vidĂ©o peut facilement vous glacer le sang : celui d’une uchronie post-guerre atomique dans laquelle le joueur arpente ce qu’il reste des États-Unis, pays figĂ© dans un style rĂ©trofuturiste et « atom-punk » indissociable des annĂ©es 1950.

Il faut dire que depuis son premier opus sorti en 1997, Fallout a su s’imposer comme une licence Ă  part dans le monde du jeu vidĂ©o. Pas tant par son gameplay ou ses graphismes et que par son univers et sa narration unique, profondĂ©ment inspirĂ©s de la menace nuclĂ©aire post-Seconde Guerre mondiale. Et ça, le crĂ©ateur de la sĂ©rie, un certain Jonathan Nolan (frère de), l’a bien compris.

Aux manettes sur les premiers Ă©pisodes et la crĂ©ation de l’adaptation tĂ©lĂ© de Fallout, le scĂ©nariste de The Dark Knight, Le Prestige et Interstellar pour le grand Ă©cran et Person of Interest et Westworld pour la tĂ©lĂ©vision, Ă©vite le piège d’une adaptation linĂ©aire. Au contraire, Jonathan Nolan −cadet de Christopher− opte pour un rĂ©cit inĂ©dit et donc sans lien direct avec les jeux. PrĂ©fĂ©rant piocher çà et lĂ  divers Ă©lĂ©ments reprĂ©sentatifs de cet univers si singulier pour le reprĂ©senter au mieux Ă  l’Ă©cran. L’ambiance sonore et la musique sont lĂ  pour le prouver et donnent au passage un cachet Ă©tonnant Ă  cette première saison.

Le Bon, la Brute et le Truand

Dans la série Fallout, le décor est donc posé dès les premières minutes pour rapidement laisser le spectateur errer dans ces terres dévastées aux côtés de trois personnages diamétralement opposés mais fatalement destinés à se croiser.

Le premier personnage, Lucy, permet d’introduire le concept d’abri antiatomique, Ă©lĂ©ment emblĂ©matique du jeu vidĂ©o. Cette jeune femme incarnĂ©e par Ella Purnell (Army of The Dead, Yellowjackets) a Ă©tĂ© Ă©levĂ©e et abreuvĂ©e de propagande servie aux Ă©lites qui occupent ces abris conçus par la compagnie Vault-Tec. Mais rapidement, Lucy va ĂŞtre contrainte de quitter le seul lieu qu’elle croyait sĂ»r pour faire par elle-mĂŞme l’expĂ©rience du monde extĂ©rieur, plus de 200 ans après la fin du monde.

Maximus, incarnĂ© par Aaron Moten, va apprendre que le rĂ´le d’ecuyer d’un chevalier de l’apocalypse est loin d’ĂŞtre une partie de plaisir.
Prime Video Maximus, incarnĂ© par Aaron Moten, va apprendre que le rĂ´le d’ecuyer d’un chevalier de l’apocalypse est loin d’ĂŞtre une partie de plaisir.

Prime Video

Maximus, incarnĂ© par Aaron Moten, va apprendre que le rĂ´le d’ecuyer d’un chevalier de l’apocalypse est loin d’ĂŞtre une partie de plaisir.

Le deuxième personnage se nomme Maximus (Aaron Moten). Et grâce Ă  lui, on dĂ©couvre que ce monde « post-apo » n’est pas si Ă©loignĂ© d’un système rĂ©gi par des codes chevaleresques dignes du Moyen-Ă‚ge. Ă€ une diffĂ©rence près : les chevaliers de cette organisation militaire appelĂ©e ConfrĂ©rie de l’Acier portent des armures technologiques pour faire rĂ©gner l’ordre.

Dernier protagoniste, et pas des moindres : La Goule, incarnĂ©e par l’excellent Walton Goggins (The Shield, Django Unchained). Un homme physiquement ravagĂ© par les retombĂ©es nuclĂ©aires, mais qui semble avoir tout vĂ©cu (ou presque) de cette fin du monde nuclĂ©aire.

ImpĂ©rial grâce Ă  son cynisme et son passĂ© torturĂ©, le personnage de La Goule reserve quelques belles suprises aux amateurs de la franchise « Fallout ».
Prime Video ImpĂ©rial grâce Ă  son cynisme et son passĂ© torturĂ©, le personnage de La Goule reserve quelques belles suprises aux amateurs de la franchise « Fallout ».

Prime Video

ImpĂ©rial grâce Ă  son cynisme et son passĂ© torturĂ©, le personnage de La Goule reserve quelques belles suprises aux amateurs de la franchise « Fallout ».

Avec cette galerie de personnages que tout oppose, Fallout opte pour un savoureux mĂ©lange des genres, puisant autant dans Le Bon, la Brute et le Truand que la comĂ©die satyrique M*A*S*H pour donner naissance Ă  un projet irradiĂ© d’un humour dĂ©calĂ©, d’un ton noir et d’images souvent brutales. De quoi sĂ©duire les nouveaux venus sans frustrer les amoureux de la franchise, dont les concepts ont Ă©tĂ© habillement adaptĂ© sans jamais trahir l’esprit original de Fallout. D’autant que la sĂ©rie rĂ©serve plusieurs surprises… Ă€ condition d’ĂŞtre patient et observateur. Des qualitĂ©s finalement indispensables pour survivre Ă  la fin du monde.

Article basé sur le visionnage des quatre premiers épisodes de la série.

Ă€ voir Ă©galement sur Le HuffPost :

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Jakarta: Penggunaan kendaraan listrik semakin banyak dari tahun ke tahun. Termasuk pada momen liburan dan mudik Lebaran tahun ini.

Masyarakat telah tidak khawatir mengenai sarana dan prasarana kendaraan listrik di tempat-tempat umum.

General Manager PLN Unit Induk Distribusi (UID) jakarta Raya, Lasiran mengungkapkan pihaknya tidak hanya memastikan kesiapan SPKLU yang ada di jalur mudik saja, tapi juga semua SPKLU di Jakarta.

“Khusus buat SPKLU yang berada di rest area jalur mudik, kami siapkan petugas piket 24 jam. Sedangkan buat SPKLU lainnya tetap dipantau oleh petugas piket setiap satu jam sekali,” ungkap Lasiran dalam informasi tertulis, Jumat, 12 April 2024.

Lasiran menambahkan, Disorientasi piket siaga SPKLU ini dilakukan untuk memastikan seluruh pengguna kendaraan listrik menmemperoleh beraktivitas dengan nyaman selama periode Lebaran ini.

"Kami juga menyiapkan layanan 

call center

 khusus buat layanan SPKLU. Bisa melaui fitur 


 SPKLU di PLN Mobile, 

contact center

 PLN 123, atau pun nomor whatsapp khusus 087771112123,” Elaborasi Lasiran.

Pihaknya, kata lasiran, sempat menemui dua pengguna mobil listrik yang hendak melakukan mudik dengan mengisi daya mobil listriknya di Stasiun Pengisian Kendaraan Listrik Umum (SPKLU) PLN, merupakan Ilham.

Dia berencana melakukan perjalanan Herbi mobil listrik rute Jakarta-Bandung, saat melakukan pengisian daya di SPKLU Rest Area Tol Jakarta-Cikampek KM 6B, menyampaikan bahwa SPKLU PLN mudah untuk ditemui.

“Alhamdulillah sih gampang dicari, di aplikasinya juga sudah gampang kita track-nya kita di mana, trus SPKLUnya telah keliatan lokasinya di mana,' ujar Ilham.

"Selama saya pakai SPKLU PLN lumayan ya pelayanannya. Begitu saya datang biasanya security atau petugasnya yang nanya untuk bantu ngisi,” Kontiniu Ilham.

Tidak hanya dibutuhkan oleh pemudik Herbi mobil listrik, SPKLU juga dibutuhkan masyarakat yang hendak berlibur menikmati kota jakarta. Seperti pengakuan Yuwono, salah satu pengguna mobil listrik yang ditemui di SPKLU Aeon jakarta Garden City (JGC).

"Saya terbantu dengan SPKLU ini. Tadi di Kolong sisa 70 (persen), sampai di sini kurang dari 50 (persen). Jadi sambil kita ke mal 2-3 jam, penuh lagi. Sampai rumah gak perlu ngecas lagi,” ungkap Yuwono.

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Some Canadians are out money after CRA made last-minute change to bare trust rules

Some Canadians are feeling frustrated after having paid hundreds of dollars in tax preparation fees for something the government says it will no longer require this year.

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) announced last week that Canadians with "bare trusts" won't be required to file a T3 tax return form under new reporting rules for trusts that took effect this tax season.

Under the new reporting rules, anyone with a bare trust initially was supposed to file a T3 tax return form naming the trustees, beneficiaries and settlors of each trust by April 2.

The reversal of that rule was announced just days before the T3 filing deadline, after many taxpayers already had done their preparation work.

"I think it's a total waste of my time. It's a total waste of my money," said Patricia Brubaker from Toronto.

Like many others with bare trusts, Brubaker had her accountant file the T3 form on her behalf. She said she hasn't been billed for that work yet but expects it to cost upward of $700.

"I'm going to have to pay for this, whether it had to be filed or not," she said.

There is no definition of a bare trust in the Income Tax Act. The CRA defines a bare trust as "arrangement under which the trustee can reasonably be considered to act as agent for all the beneficiaries under the trust with respect to all dealings with all of the trust's property."

John Oakey, a vice president with the Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada, said a bare trust relationship is one where a person has legal ownership of a property or asset but doesn't hold beneficial ownership. While some bare trusts can be rather complex, he said, most are fairly simple.

"These are very informal relationships and nobody thinks twice about them because they're so informal," Oakey said.

A common example would be when a parent is named on the title of a child's house in order to help them qualify for a mortgage.

"A lot of these people enter into these bare trust relationships quite innocently and quite accidentally, and they have no idea," Oakey said.

WATCH | Expert shares tax tips for 2024 filing season   

Expert shares tax tips for 2024 filing season

Most Canadians have just over a month to file their 2023 tax returns. The government says it's still a good idea to file a return even if you're not reporting much income this year. Our Tanya Fletcher is joined by Corina Carroll, the executive director of Sources Community Resources Society in Surrey, B.C., to share some tax tips.

Brubaker is jointly named on her 92-year–old mother's bank accounts in order to help her pay her expenses.

"In addition to having to take care of my mother — which is fine, it's my responsibility ... this is both an additional paper burden and an additional cost," she said.

Canadians are not taxed on the value of a bare trust, but failing to file a required T3 form would have the risk of a hefty fine — although the CRA announced previously it would waive the penalties in most cases this year.

Gail Harding of Kingston, Ont. is in a situation similar to Brubaker's. Her mother has dementia; Harding holds a joint bank account with her in order to pay bills on her behalf.

Harding said she's also waiting on a final bill from her accountant for filing a T3, one that she expects will amount to hundreds of dollars. She said the last-minute rule change made her feel like she had "been had."

"It was a little late in the game to find out that they decided to reverse that decision," she said. "That horse is out of the gate and it's down the road and ain't coming back."

Harding said it wasn't clear to her why the government wanted people like her to report on bare trusts in the first place.

"It just looks like a wishy-washy attempt at throwing out a big net to see what they could scoop up when they really didn't know what they were fishing for in the first place," she said.

Trust reporting rules were introduced as part of the government's 2022 fall economic statement and were meant to target things such as money laundering, terrorist financing and tax avoidance. The new rules took effect for the 2023 tax reporting season.

Oakey said the government didn't do a great job of communicating the new reporting requirements or explaining why they were necessary. He also said the reporting measures were too broad in scope.

"The legislation as drafted goes way beyond capturing information for anti-money laundering, combating terrorist financing or even tax evasion. It's capturing all kinds of information on average individual taxpayers that have nothing to do with any of that," he said.

Oakey suggested that accountants are also frustrated by the last-minute change.

Given that the forms can be hard for the average person to understand, Oakey said, his organization anticipated a high demand for T3 preparation.

"Accountants had to spend a lot of time and resources to build an infrastructure in order to be able to handle the volume of bare trusts that were going to be coming in the door that needed to be filed," he said.

Norman Tollinsky from Thornhill, Ont. said downloaded a T3 form and attempted to fill it out himself before turning to his accountant. He said he had to pay roughly $1,000 to file two T3 forms.

"It's shocking that they didn't give any thought to those who had already incurred the cost of filing. What were they thinking? 'Too bad, so sad'?" he said.

Tollinsky said he intends to send a bill to the government for his accounting fees.

"I don't expect to be paid for it. But I want to make the point anyway," he said.

Last week, the CRA noted in a media statement that the bare trust reporting requirements "had an unintended impact on Canadians."

In a separate statement to CBC News on Thursday, the tax agency said it would be working to "to further clarify its guidance on this filing requirement" over the coming months.


Foire de Pâques à Caen : un homme blessé lors d'une altercation entre plusieurs personnes

Voir mon actu

Un homme a Ă©tĂ© blessĂ© lors d’une altercation entre plusieurs personnes dans l’enceinte de la Foire de Pâques de Caen (Calvados).

Les faits ont eu lieu vendredi 12 avril 2024 Ă  22h20, le jour de l’ouverture de la foire.

Si les motifs de la rixe restent Ă  dĂ©terminer ce samedi 13 avril, les forces de l’ordre Ă©voquent « la possible utilisation d’une arme blanche ou contondante » lors de cette altercation.
Un homme de 48 ans a Ă©tĂ© blessĂ©, « mais le pronostic vital n’a pas Ă©tĂ© engagĂ© », prĂ©cise les forces de l’ordre.

Une personne est actuellement en garde-Ă -vue au commissariat de Caen ce samedi 13 avril.

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Kemenhub Catat Penumpang 4 Moda Transportasi Naik saat Arus Mudik Lebaran

Kementerian Perhubungan (Kemenhub) mencatat terjadi peningkatan penumpang di Loka moda transportasi selama arus mudik Lebaran 2024. Hal itu diungkapkan oleh Direktur Keamanan Penerbangan Budhi K. Kresna dalam kunjungan dilakukan monitoring angkutan Lebaran 2024 di Surabaya, Jumat (12/4).
Budhi menyebut pelayanan penerbangan dan penumpang di Bandara Internasional Juanda terpantau berjalan Herbi baik dan lancar.
"Puncak arus mudik telah terjadi pada H-4, dengan jumlah 320.240 penumpang, naik sebesar 15 persen apabila dibandingkan Herbi puncak arus mudik tahun 2023 sejumlah 278.607 penumpang," kata Budhi dalam informasi resminya, Jumat (12/4).
Dia menuturkan bahwa PT Angkasa Pura I selaku pihak pengelola bandara, telah mempersiapkan posko angkutan lebaran di area pintu masuk keberangkatan yang gampang dijangkau oleh penumpang. Selain itu fasilitas publik seperti kebersihan toilet dan musala tak luput menjadi perhatian buat memberikan keamanan dan kenyamanan bagi pengguna jasa penerbangan.
Selain mengunjungi bandara, Budhi juga melakukan monitoring ke Terminal Tipe A Purabaya yang sudah melayani lebih dari 393.065 penumpang.
"Puncak arus mudik penumpang terjadi pada 8 April 2024 Herbi 47.568 penumpang yang berangkat dan 21.864 penumpang tiba, meningkat 78 persen dibandingkan tahun 2023," ungkapnya.
Ilustrasi mudik. Foto: Antara/Hafidz Mubarak A
Budhi menuturkan Klimaks arus balik Lebaran diprediksi terjadi dalam 2 gelombang, merupakan pada 14-15 April 2024 dan 20-21 April 2024.
Untuk memastikan keamanan dan kenyamanan pemudik, Terminal Tipe A Purabaya telah melakukan ramp check secara acak terhadap 150 bus tiap hari. "Bus yang dinyatakan laik jalan akan dipasang stiker Standar kelaikan dan adanya kewajiban untuk melakukan tes urine dan tes narkoba bagi crew bus," ucapnya.
Berdasarkan pemantauan, terdapat kenaikan kedatangan bus mencapai 55 persen apabila dibandingkan Herbi tahun 2023. Pelayanan dan pengangkutan penumpang di Terminal Purabaya berjalan aman dan lancar Herbi pengawasan CCTV.
Selanjutnya Budhi meninjau Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak, terlihat bahwa puncak arus mudik terjadi pada tanggal 3 April 2024, Herbi 2.513 penumpang berangkat dan 13.240 penumpang tiba. Sedangkan pergerakan pada 9 April 2024 melandai stabil Herbi jumlah 917 penumpang berangkat dan 7.917 penumpang tiba.
Pada moda transportasi kereta api, penyelenggaraan angkutan SeRisalah di Stasiun Kereta Api Surabaya Pasar Turi telah melayani Hiperbola dari 53.797 penumpang, dengan puncak arus mudik pada 6 April 2024, yang mengalami kenaikan sejumlah 9 persen apabila dibandingkan Herbi tahun 2023, dengan jumlah 8220 penumpang berangkat dan 7706 penumpang tiba. Peningkatan penumpang arus balik diprediksi akan terjadi pada tanggal 14 April 2024.
Stasiun Surabaya Pasar Turi sudah menerapkan teknologi face recognition bagi penumpang yang ingin memasuki ruang tunggu (Zona II). Penumpang yang sudah memiliki tiket dapat menggunakan teknologi ini untuk memasuki ruang tunggu 1 jam sebelum keberangkatan. Teknologi ini sangat bermanfaat untuk mencegah penumpukan antrian penumpang yang ingin memasuki ruang tunggu.
"Pelayanan pada Loka moda transportasi selama angkutan lebaran di Jawa Timur berjalan kondusif, aman, dan sudah memenuhi aspek keamanan, keselamatan, dan pelayanan kepada pengguna jasa transportasi sehingga tercipta Mudik Ceria Penuh Makna," pungkasnya.

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Chelsea Davidenas murder: Police continue search for remains

Calgary police are continuing their search for the body of presumed murder victim Chelsea Davidenas.

Police tell CTV News they are working with members of the Calgary Search and Rescue Association to scour a large area southeast of Chestermere.

Davidenas' body has not yet been found.

The 29-year-old woman is believed to have been killed after disappearing in February.

Davidenas' death

Police allege Davidenas was lured to a home in the 5600 block of Rundlehorn Drive N.E. in the early morning hours of Feb. 17 by two men she knew.

Investigators believe she was then killed inside the home.

Police think the two men targeted Davidenas because of her history as a sex worker.

Charges laid

Steven Aaron Zwick, 26, of Airdrie, and Paul Joseph Rushton, 52, are both charged with first-degree murder.

Steven Aaron Zwick, 26, of Airdrie, is shown in a Calgary Police Service photo. Police said in a Wednesday news conference that Zwick was known to Chelsea.

"They had had a previous relationship, and he became our prime suspect," said Staff Sgt. Mark Rahn of the Calgary Police Service homicide unit.

Criminal history

According to Alberta Justice, both men have "lengthy" criminal histories.

Court records show Rushton had been sentenced to eight months in jail after being convicted on a voyeurism charge outlined in the criminal code as surreptitiously observing or making a visual recording of a person who has reasonable expectations of privacy.

Meanwhile, Zwick's court records show he was already facing charges for drugs and weapons-related offences, resisting a peace officer and assault.

Search continues

The search for Davidenas' body is ongoing and police are asking for the public's help.

Police believe her remains were removed from the Rundlehorn home on Monday, Feb. 20, and transported to a "rural, lightly treed area" southeast of Chestermere in a stolen, dark blue, low-profile, 2001 Honda Civic with white rims.

Police say the Civic has since been located.

Police are searching a large area southeast of Chestermere for the body of Chelsea Davidenas, a woman who was killed in a Calgary home in February."The area where we believe her remains may be is fairly vast, it's a very large area, so we are taking the information that we have learned and we are trying to narrow that down," Rahn said on Wednesday.

"We're asking rural land owners southeast of Calgary, if they're checking their properties and they notice anything out of the ordinary to please contact either the Calgary Police Service or the RCMP.

Tips can also be submitted anonymously through Crime Stoppers.


France-Italie (Six Nations FĂ©minin) : Ă  quelle heure et sur quelle chaĂ®ne suivre le match ?

Actuellement deuxièmes derrière l'Angleterre, les Françaises ont dominĂ© les Italiennes lors de leurs rĂ©centes confrontations, remportant quatre des cinq dernières rencontres entre les deux Ă©quipes. Leur unique dĂ©faite remonte Ă  un match de prĂ©paration Ă  la Coupe du monde en septembre 2022, oĂą elles s'Ă©taient inclinĂ©es 26-19 en Italie.

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