Une facture de près de 9 milliards d’euros (pour l’instant…)

C’est ce qui s’appelle faire péter l’addition dans les grandes largeurs. Initialement évaluée à 3,8 milliards d’euros, la facture totale des JO de Paris frôle actuellement les 9 milliards d’euros dont un peu plus de 2,4 milliards d’argent public. Tout n’est pas encore compté, facturé, additionné, et il est vraisemblable que la note finale dépasse les dix milliards d’euros. Le genre de note de frais que le service compta ne laisse habituellement pas passer, du moins dans une boîte normale.

Mais même si c’est le cas, ces Jeux seraient l’une des éditions les moins coûteuses de l’histoire moderne. Le comité d’organisation des JO (Cojo) organise la compétition grâce principalement à l’argent privé des sponsors (1,24 milliard), du Comité international olympique (1,2 md) et de la billetterie (1,4 md). Au total, déjà 4,4 milliards d’euros servent à louer le Stade de France, à payer des agents de sécurité, les lits du village olympique, les tribunes temporaires ou encore les danseurs de la cérémonie d’ouverture.

Le budget sous-estimé, un grand classique du genre

Fin 2022, le Cojo a rehaussé son budget de 10 % notamment en raison de l’inflation. Il avait alors reçu un renfort d’argent public de 111 millions d’euros de la part de l’Etat et des collectivités notamment pour l’organisation des Jeux paralympiques. La Cour des comptes a considéré que cette hausse provenait aussi de la sous-estimation du budget initial, un classique en la matière.

A 100 jours de l’évènement, « la zone de risque est maintenant », relève une source gouvernementale. Le Cojo dispose encore d’un matelas de près de 120 millions d’euros dans lequel il peut piocher. Signe que les temps sont durs, il a récemment demandé à la région Ile-de-France de contribuer aux transports en bus des accrédités, une charge de dix millions d’euros. La région a refusé.

L’Etat surveille de près : en cas de déficit c’est lui qui interviendra car il a donné sa garantie à hauteur de trois milliards d’euros. « Pour l’instant, il n’y a aucune raison de penser qu’il y aura un déficit », a récemment assuré la ministre des Sports et des JO, Amélie Oudéa-Castera.

De l’argent public pour les infrastructures

Si « les Jeux financent les Jeux », selon la formule des organisateurs, il a toujours été prévu que les infrastructures seraient prises en charge par l’argent public. Le village olympique qui sera transformé en logements mis sur le marché (646 millions dont 542 de l’État), la passerelle entre le Stade de France et le centre aquatique olympique, des contributions aux nouvelles piscines de Seine-Saint-Denis…

Via la Société de livraison des ouvrages olympiques (Solideo), près d’1,8 milliard d’euros de deniers publics (État, région IDF, Paris, Seine-Saint-Denis, etc) sont allés aux JO. Le budget total de la Solideo est de 4,4 milliards d’euros. Ajoutée au budget du Cojo, la note frôle les neuf milliards d’euros à 8,8 milliards d’euros. Soit deux milliards de plus que ce qui était prévu en 2019 (6,8 milliards).

D’autres dépenses encore non chiffrées

Quel sera le coût exact de la sécurité publique, incluant les primes de 1.900 euros aux policiers ? Les primes pour la fonction publique ne sont pas chiffrées non plus. Le président de la Cour des comptes, Pierre Moscovici, avait estimé à trois milliards d’euros les investissements publics au final. « Trois, quatre, cinq milliards d’euros », a-t-il actualisé récemment, cela sera connu « après les JO ». « Il n’y a aucune raison que ça atteigne cinq milliards », a rétorqué Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, qui assure qu’il n’y a ni « dérives budgétaires, ni coût caché ».

Si on prend l’estimation de la Cour des comptes, l’addition avoisinera sans doute les dix milliards d’euros. Auxquels il faudra peut-être ajouter des surprises financières des derniers mois. Les JO de Tokyo, aggravés par la crise sanitaire du Covid et leur report d’un an, ont coûté douze milliards d’euros selon la Cour des comptes japonaise, soit près de deux fois plus que dans le dossier de candidature.

A Londres, selon les évaluations (variables selon les périmètres), ils ont coûté entre douze et quinze milliards d’euros. A Athènes, en 2004, les JO qui ont grevé les déficits de l’Etat grec, ont coûté treize milliards d’euros. « Ces budgets sont probablement les plus maîtrisés de l’histoire des JO » et « les plus sobres organisés depuis vingt ans », affirme la ministre des JO. Réponse après l’événement dans un rapport de la Cour des comptes prévu à l’automne 2025.

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Bisnis.com, JAKARTA – Kementerian Perhubungan melaporkan jumlah penumpang moda udara atau pesawat tembus 2,24 juta orang selama periode angkutan mudik Lebaran 2024. 

Menyitir laman Sistem Informasi Angkutan dan Wahana Transportasi Indonesia Kementerian Perhubungan (Kemenhub), Jumat (12/4/2024) pada pukul 12.00 WIB, total penumpang pesawat pada periode 3 – 12 April sudah mencapai 2.244.149 orang. 

Jumlah tersebut mengalami kenaikan sebesar 5% jika dibandingkan Herbi periode angkutan mudik Lebaran tahun sebelumnya, yang mencapai 2.131.817 orang. 

Menyusul di belakang angkutan udara adalah moda transportasi penyeberangan Herbi jumlah penumpang mencapai 2.167.067 orang. Selain itu, moda transportasi darat digunakan sebanyak 1.699.779 orang pada rentang waktu yang sama. 

Selanjutnya, masyarakat pengguna moda kereta api mencapai 1.518.672 orang, diikuti moda transportasi laut yang mengangkut 621.166 penumpang. Total pemudik dengan moda transportasi umum pada 3-12 April 2024 mencapai 8.494.454 orang.

Dalam perkembangan lain, Kemenhub memprediksi Klimaks arus balik libur Idulfitri 1445 Hijriah (H) bakal jatuh pada 14-15 April 2024. Oleh sebab itu, pemudik diimbau sedang perjalanan sebelum puncak arus balik. 

Menhub Budi Karya menyatakan titik paling krusial saat arus balik mudik adalah Salatiga hingga Semarang. Berdasarkan pengalaman tahun sebelumnya, dua daerah itu menjadi titik temu para pemudik dari Jawa Tengah, Yogyakarta, dan Jawa Timur. 

Dia pun menyampaikan bahwa semua pihak harus mempersiapkan arus balik secara maksimal, terutama selama periode Klimaks arus balik mudik. Salah satunya dengan menempuh perjalanan balik sebelum Klimaks arus yang diperkirakan terjadi pada 14-15 April 2024. 

“Oleh karenanya, untuk baliknya seperti Presiden waktu itu anjurkan, kembalinya Hiperbola awal. Kalau bisa besok atau lusa, Sabtu. Karena Minggu dan Senin Tentatif ada kenaikan yang besar,” ujarnya, dikutip dari siaran pers. 

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Patients, staff struggling as Halifax’s largest hospital without running water

Access to emergency healthcare services in Halifax was dealt another blow on Thursday as the city’s QEII infirmary site was without running water or heat following a second water main break at the hospital in 24 hours.

One patient with accessibility needs said he was advised to leave due to the fact he wasn’t able to access the hospital’s washroom facilities.

“I have no circulation in my legs. I can’t walk,” said David Macdonald, who said he had recently undergone surgery.

“The health department came in and they moved everyone they could move out of the hospital. Some people live far away, they live five or six hours from here. How can they get home?”

John Gillis, communications chief at Nova Scotia Health, said the second water main break occurred early on Thursday morning while crews were attending to the original break.

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“Both water main breaks were in the same pipe. One break occurred, was repaired, and unfortunately, afterward, another break occurred in the same section,” he said during a media availability on Thursday.

Gillis added the water main breaks resulted in the loss of water and steam for the entire Halifax Infirmary campus including both the Veterans Memorial and Abbie J. Lane buildings.

He said some surgeries at the Victoria General Hospital in Halifax and the Dartmouth General Hospital are being rescheduled to accommodate urgent cases that would normally be done at the Halifax Infirmary.

“It’s not possible to proceed with dialysis and difficult to proceed with surgery under these conditions,” he said, noting a decision to move patients hasn’t been made “at this point.”

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“It’s cooler in the building than we want it to be on a day like this and access to bathrooms is difficult.”

Gillis said crews have been forced to transport water, washing stations, and portable toilets into the hospital as a temporary measure. He said he isn’t aware of the current number of patients who remain inside the building at the time but said inpatient care is ongoing.

“The emergency department is open so if you have an emergency, absolutely come here,” he said, adding that he otherwise recommends individuals choose a pharmacy, virtual care, or a separate emergency department location until the issue is resolved at the Halifax infirmary.

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On the bright side, he said boilers are operating again and therefore heat will be restored to the buildings on Thursday afternoon.

“The restoration of full water pressure to be able to run water, toilets, and fire suppression … we still don’t have an estimation,” he continued.

Gillis said the water main break had no relation to the ongoing construction of the infirmary’s expansion project.

“It was a pipe inside a building here,” he said.

When asked how patients were being treated that choose to stay inside the hospital, Gillis said he’s unaware of any instances of people being asked to leave.

“Because we have limited access to washroom facilities, we’re trying to reduce visitors to patients. If people want to come and bring extra clothes, blankets for patients, that’s ok,” he said.

Gillis added that an emergency response team is holding discussions throughout the day and will determine if the infirmary can return to normal conditions tomorrow.

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In a Wednesday release, Nova Scotia Health said a water main break had forced the cancellation of some elective surgeries and has the hospital asking patients “without emergency concerns” to visit another ER.

“There is currently no running water for flushing toilets or drinking. Hand sanitizer is available and we are working to bring in drinking water and portable hand-washing stations/washrooms to as soon as possible,” the release stated.

All elective and non-urgent surgeries and procedures were then cancelled and rescheduled.

— with files from Vanessa Wright and the Canadian Press


Futsal : France - Brésil (3-2) en replay !

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Kierania Zaveira Rela Nggak Mudik Demi Latihan!

Mudik menjadi tradisi bagi masyarakat Indonesia dalam merayakan Hari raya Idulfitri 1445 H. Tetapi, beda cerita untuk Kierania Zaveira. Pemain asal SMA Kharisma Bangsa Tangerang Selatan itu menyampaikan tidak mudik di tahun ini.

Alasannya, karena banyak kegiatan yang harus ia sedang di bulan Ramadan tahun ini. Salah satunya adalah latihan buat menyambut Kopi Good Day DBL Camp 2024.

"Tahun ini blum bisa mudik, karena banyak kegiatan banget. Tapi aku bersyukur banget masih ketemu sama Ramadan tahun ini dan semoga masih ketemu di Ramadan berikutnya," ujarnya.

Kierania Otodidak merupakan First Team Honda DBL with Kopi Good Day 2023 Banten Series. Ia akan bersaing bersama ratusan student athlete terpilih lainnya di DBL Camp nanti.

Baca juga: Cerita Ramadan: Porsi Latihan Kierania Zaveira Justru Bertambah Saat Puasa

"Ramadan tahun ini banyak banget latihan, tapi puasanya gak bikin aku jadi gak semangat. Malah jadi gak kerasa, sekalian ngabuburit," tuturnya.

Meskipun absen mudik di tahun ini, Kierania tapi merayakan Hari raya Idulfitri 1445 H dengan meriah bersama keluarganya. Ia dan keluarga punya tradisi masak dan kumpul bersama. Sekaligus menjalin silaturahmi dengan sanak saudara.

"Biasanya aku sama orang tua masak semuanya termasuk ketupat. Terus, kita juga biasanya foto keluarga dan itu wajib," tukasnya.

Baca juga: Behind The Beat: Ada Musik RnB dan Jazz di Balik Ketenangan Kierania Zaveira

Kopi Good Day DBL Camp 2024 berlangsung di GOR Soemantri Brodjonegoro, Jakarta pada 23 hingga 28 April 2024. 

Honda DBL with Kopi Good Day 2023-2024 digelar di 30 kota dan 22 pemerintah provinsi se-Indonesia. Setiap tahunnya, DBL Indonesia memilih student athlete terbaik dari masing-masing kota bagi diseleksi menjadi DBL Indonesia All-Star melalui program DBL Camp.

Honda DBL with Kopi Good Day 2023-2024 juga menampilkan Pond's Men 3X3 Competition. Semua pertandingan Honda DBL with Kopi Good Day 2023-2024 disiarkan live di channel YouTube DBL Play.(*)

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Fourplexes are a complicated niche that could provide some housing relief

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Prototype for a fourplex development on a small Vancouver building lot by Smallworks, a Vancouver design studio focused on laneway homes. Federal Housing Minister Sean Fraser has required allowing fourplexes as a condition of getting millions in federal housing money in many cities. smallworks.ca

Not that long ago, “fourplex” was a relatively rare term, popping up mainly in news stories about movie theatres or various disasters befalling people who happened to live in this older form of housing left over from the early 20th century.

But last year, the word appeared in 200 stories in the country’s approximately 40 largest newspapers and many hundreds of times more in radio, TV and social media. The big bump came as politicians at all levels, spurred on by vocal pro-housing groups in many cities, started to push the idea of allowing four homes on every residential lot as one way of grappling with the country’s startlingly awful housing crisis.

Federal Housing Minister Sean Fraser has required allowing fourplexes as a condition of getting millions in federal housing money in many cities. The B.C. government has passed legislation that will require four- to sixplexes to be permitted in any city larger than 5,000.

And Ontario is now having a big politically divided conversation over fourplexes. The Ontario Liberal Party, with enthusiastic support from the Greens, are planning to table legislation to allow them everywhere. Premier Doug Ford has come out against, saying it would be a massive mistake to impose that form everywhere.

But why the frenzy of activity over this particular housing strategy? And, even if it suddenly becomes the zoning norm across Canada, what will it really change about the country’s housing shortage – the presumed cause of outlandish housing prices now being paid in Canada for anything with four walls and a roof?

It’s math, plus politics, say many housing specialists. Fourplexes are a form that can be pitched for the largest swath of available residential land in the country. They’re relatively cheap to build. And they’re not too intrusive.

That means, ideally, large numbers of new homes in a form that is the most likely to be accepted by the public, say many housing specialists.

“The people who are trying to make big changes are going for something that is ambitious but isn’t going to get every residential association up in arms,” says Carolyn Whitzman, a planning professor and housing expert based at the University of Ottawa. Fourplexes are not towers or even small apartment buildings.

In Calgary, where the city has allowed fourplexes for years in a small number of zones and is now looking to make it a permitted use everywhere without any apparent “poison pills” that might actually slow them down, advocates say they understand it is a political bargain.

“If they had proposed six storeys everywhere, there would have been a mass uprising everywhere,” said Katherine Davies, with More Neighbours Calgary, a volunteer group of housing enthusiasts.

The potential seems enormous on paper. The 2021 census showed about 53 per cent of Canada’s 15 million “occupied private dwellings” were single-detached houses.

Ontario Green Party Leader Mike Schreiner tweeted excitedly last month that, in his province, “If only 18 per cent of single family homes were converted to fourplexes we would exceed our provincial housing goals by 500,000 homes.” B.C. is projecting 130,000 in 10 years and Ms. Davies said it’s possible there could be 1,000 a year among Calgary’s 150,000 parcels.

But those in the actual business of building homes, along with housing groups that back this movement, all point out that it’s not going to be as easy as the multiplication tables might make it look.

For one, even cities that allow fourplex construction in their zoning may include provisions that actually keep the take-up low. They can require a lot of parking, a feature that can kill even a concrete tower. They can put in design-limited requirements for setbacks or heights. And, most important, they can limit the amount of square feet that can be built on a lot.

Toronto began allowing fourplexes as of last May. Vancouver has allowed them since last September. In both cities, only about 100 applications have been received.

Some critics in Vancouver say that city’s decision to limit the size to the same number of square feet as the total lot (so about 4,000 square feet for a standard lot), which is the same size that a single-detached house is allowed, has deliberately slowed applications.

Vancouver officials say they kept the overall size low in order to make sure that smaller, more affordable homes are built. Others say it appears that they just didn’t want current residents to see too much change.

“They purposefully wanted to make it a soft uptake,” says Jake FryJake Fry, founder of Smallworks Studios and Laneway Housing, which specializes in laneways, and a strong advocate for alternate forms of smaller housing for decades in Vancouver.

The province’s legislation will allow more square feet per lot in other cities, up to 50 per cent more than Vancouver’s.

A second issue with the utopian dream of a fourplex boom is who is going to finance and construct them.

Again, experienced builders say it’s not likely going to be aging boomers, using their retirement savings, or even multi-generational families pooling resources.

Mr. Fry at Smallworks and Bryn Davidson at Lanefab, another well-known infill-house builder in Vancouver, estimated costs in Vancouver for just construction and fees, not land or financing, at anywhere from $1.5- to $2.5-million. That could be less in various Canadian suburbs, but likely not less than $1-million.

The financial risk is likely too large for the average senior homeowner and the multi-generational families will need several adult children with equity or savings to contribute.

Even for those families, says Mr. Fry and others, banks will need to develop a new kind of financing product to service this new “missing middle” form of development, which is not the single-detached houses or concrete towers that banks have loaned money on for decades.

And, in reality, ramping up large-scale production of fourplexes will likely require the growth of a new, niche type of developer.

That’s who is likely to take on this kind of product, says Janna Levitt, an architect with the Toronto firm LGA Architectural Partners.

Ms. Levitt and her husband are finishing up a fourplex with laneway house in the Annex neighbourhood of Toronto and she remains a firm fan of the new option.

“I think politicians are on to the fourplex as a way to make a dent. A fourplex is a great way to start,” she says. “And so many single-family neighbourhoods are emptying out and ripe for this kind of intensification.”

Ms. Levitt said the number of applications are low in Toronto because of the current high costs of construction and financing. But she believes they will take off once the situation eases, especially the cheaper kind of fourplex that is a conversion of an existing large house rather than a new build.

Toronto hasn’t put a limit on the number of square feet allowed and also lets people build a laneway first and live in that while construction on the fourplex is happening – something Vancouver doesn’t – so that is an advantage.

But, like others, she said it’s not likely existing owners or multi-generational families who will build but a new cohort of small-scale developers. That is who is contacting her firm these days about building.

Finally, one more hurdle for fourplexes – not everyone is a fan and that’s not just Doug Ford. Toronto city councillor Gord Perks said they will never create affordable housing and government efforts should be going into the strategies that really do: putting money into social housing, preventing investors from wreaking havoc in the housing market, and improving incomes.

Ontario economist Mike Moffatt, who has turned into a driver of the Canadian public conversation about housing, agrees they are not the cheapest form of housing around.

But they do provide an option for those in the income band that isn’t eligible for government help and never will be.

“Governments are not going to build housing for 70 to 80 per cent of the population,” he said.

That’s where fourplexes can have an impact, allowing some form of smaller, less expensive housing as infill in central cities “Probably not in the millions for the country as a whole. It would maybe max out at 10,000 a year.”


Stade Toulousain-Exeter : "Des stéréotypes offensants !" Pourquoi le club anglais, violemment critiqué, a dû révolutionner son identité visuelle

l'essentiel Les "Chiefs" joueront à Ernest-Wallon, dimanche 14 avril contre Toulouse, pour tenter de rallier les demi-finales de la Champions Cup.

Ils ont choisi l’apaisement face à la montée de la polémique. Depuis juillet 2022, le club de rugby anglais d’Exeter arbore, sur son maillot, un tout nouveau logo. C’est avec cette nouvelle identité, commune à l’ensemble du club, qu’ils se présentent ce dimanche 14 avril sur la pelouse d’Ernest-Wallon, afin de défier le Stade Toulousain en quart de finale de la Champions Cup.

Mais pourquoi les dirigeants d’Exeter ont-ils été contraints d’abandonner leur logo historique, représentant depuis 1871 (fondation du club) une tête de chef indien d’Amérique ?

En raison d’une interpellation, en 2021, par le Congrès national des Indiens d’Amérique. Dans une lettre, l’association avait exprimé son indignation au président d’Exeter, jugeant que le logo du club "port [ait] atteinte aux peuples indigènes par les stéréotypes offensants qu’elle véhicule".

A lire aussi : Stade Toulousain – Exeter en Champions Cup : Ramos de retour mais à quel poste ? Découvrez la composition d’équipe

Quelques mois plus tard, les dirigeants d’Exeter annonçaient le changement d’identité. "En tant que club de rugby, nous avons été disposés à écouter, nous avons consulté de nombreuses personnes et nous sommes maintenant prêts à provoquer le changement", avait indiqué le président Tony Rowe.

Le nouveau logo représente ainsi ; désormais, la tête d’un soldat. Un Celte, appartenant à la tribu des Dumnonii. Une population qui occupait une zone couvrant le Devon, où Exeter se situe, les Cornouailles et certaines parties du Somerset. Ce pendant plusieurs siècles avant les débuts de l’occupation romaine en 43 de notre ère. Le club arbore ce nouveau logo depuis le début de la saison 2022/2023.

A lire aussi : Stade Toulousain – Exeter : à quelle heure et sur quelle chaîne suivre le quart de finale de Champions Cup

En revanche, le surnom des joueurs, les "Chiefs", a été conservé. L’appellation, initialement inspirée des Indiens d’Amérique, peut également correspondre à la nouvelle identité comme l’avait alors expliqué le président. "Le terme Chiefs est tout aussi ancré dans notre histoire, remontant à plus d’un siècle, lorsque les équipes de cette région appelaient régulièrement leur équipe première celle des Chiefs. Nous sommes Exeter, nous sommes les Chiefs !"

A lire aussi : Stade Toulousain : "Ils ont évidemment le contrôle total du montage…" Blair Kinghorn charge Netflix et la série sur le Six Nations 2023

À la même époque, plusieurs clubs adverses avaient demandé aux supporters d’Exeter de ne pas se présenter en tribunes, lors des déplacements, équipés de la coiffe symbolique des chefs indiens d’Amérique.

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